Thursday 18 July 2019

Class 8 lesson 2 important question

Q1: Microorganisms are too small that they can be seen with the help of ______________.
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Q2: Microorganisms are classified into four major groups. Name them.
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Q3: Define virus
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Q4: Name some diseases caused by protozoa.
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Q5: Name some diseases caused by bacteria.
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Q6: Bacteria are of spiral shape as well as ____________________.
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Q7: Name some viral diseases.
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Q8: Give example of single cellular and multicellular microorganisms.
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Q9: Name some friendly microorganisms.
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Q10: Name some harmful microorganisms.
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Q11: Alcohol is produced with the help of ____________________.
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Q12: Tick the correct answer
Which of the following is an antibiotic?

  • Penicillin
  • Alcohol
  • Nitrate
  • None of these

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Q13: Define fermentation.
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Q14: Define antibiotics.
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Q15: What do you understand by antibodies?
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Q16: Several diseases like tuberculosis, smallpox and hepatitis can be prevented by ___________.
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Q17: Name some biological nitrogen fixers.
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Q18: Define pathogens.
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Q19: What do you mean by communicable diseases?
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Q20: Name some communicable diseases.
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Q21: Name some organisms which act as carriers of disease causing microbes.
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Q22: Female Anopheles mosquito carries the parasite of ____________________.
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Q23: Female______________ mosquito acts as carrier of dengue virus.
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Q24: Why we should not let water collect anywhere in our neighbourhood?
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Q25: Name some microorganisms that cause disease in animals.
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Q26: Name some microorganisms that cause disease in plants.
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Q27: Why a person suffers from food poisoning?
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Q28: What are preservatives?
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Q29: Define pasteurisation.
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Q30: Name the bacteria involved in nitrogen fixation and where does it lives?
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Q31: Can we see microorganisms with the naked eye? If not, how can we see them?
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Q32: Alcohol is produced with the help of__________________.
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Q33: Which of the following is prepared by the action of microorganism?
Both of them
None of these
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Q34: Name the person who discovered fermentation and vaccine for small pox.
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Q35: Name some food preservatives.
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Class 8 lesson 3 important question

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