Thursday 18 July 2019

Class 8 lesson 1 important question

Q1: Tick the right answer
We get our food from

  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Both plants and animals
  • None of these

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Q2: The same kind of plants grown and cultivated at one place on large scale is called_________.
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Q3: Is crop production and management is important to provide food for a large number of population?

  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Dutch
  • Spanish

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Q4: Define crop.
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Q5: Name some crop plants.
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Q6: Classify crops on the basis of seasons in which they are grown.
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Q7: Define kharif crops with examples.
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Q8: Define rabi crops with examples.
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Q9: Why can paddy not be grown in winter season?
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Q10: Ploughing is done by ___________________.
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Q11: Hoe is a simple tool which is used for removing ________________.
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Q12: What is seed drill?
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Q13: What do you mean by good quality seeds?
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Q14: What do you understand by manures?
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Q15: Continuous growing of crops makes the soil poorer in certain______________________.
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Q16: What is manuring?
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Q17: What do you understand by fertilisers?
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Q18: Name the bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen.
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Q19: Which one is better organic manure or fertilisers?
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Q20: What do you mean by the term irrigation?
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Q21: Name different sources of irrigation.
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Q22: Name the following shown traditional methods of irrigation:

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Q23: Give few examples of weedicides.
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Q24: Is there any harmful effect of weedicides on the person handling the weedicides sprayer?
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Q25: Weedicides sprayer should cover their _________________ and _______________ with a piece of cloth during spraying of these chemicals.
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Q26: Define harvesting.
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Q27: Define threshing.
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Q28: What is a “combine”?
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Q29: What are harvest festivals?
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Q30: What do you mean by animal husbandry?
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Class 8 lesson 3 important question

Q1: A synthetic fibre is a chain of small _____________ joined together. View Answer Q2: Give examples of some natural and man- made fibr...