Friday 19 July 2019

Class 7 lesson 2 important question

Q1: Name the largest gland in the human body.

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Q2: Animal nutrition includesNutrient requirementsMode of intake of foodUtilisation of food in bodyAll of the above.

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Q3: Define digestion.

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Q4: Name the parts of alimentary canal.

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Q5: Name the glands that secrete digestive juice.__________________.

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Q6: The process of taking food into the body is called ______.

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Q7: We chew food with ________ and break it mechanically into small pieces.

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Q8: Name the different types of teeth.

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Q9: The saliva breakdown starch into sugars.True/ False.

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Q10: Kids of three years age have _________ teeth.

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Q11: Name the type of food of ant

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Q12: Name the type of food of mosquitoes True / False

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Q13: Name the mode of feeding of ant and mosquitoes.

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Q14: Amoeba digests its food in the ____________.

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Q15: The tongue helps in mixing food with the saliva. True/ False.

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Q17: Name some ruminants.

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Q18: Name the finger like projection present in the inner wall of the small intestine

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Q19: Name the organ responsible for removal of undigested and unabsorbed residues from human body.

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Q20: Bile juice is stored in a sac called___________________

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Q21: Bile is responsible for the digestion ofFatProteinVitaminsBoth a and bNone of these

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Q22: What is the location of pancreas?

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Q23: The pancreatic juice acts onCarbohydratesFatsProteinsAll of the above

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Q24: Name the end products of carbohydrates.

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Q25: Name the end products of fats.

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Q26: Name the end products of proteins.

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Q27: Large intestine receives digested and absorbed food. True/ False.

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Q28: Define egestion.

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Q29: What are the causes of diarrhoea in human beings?

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Q30: What is the full form of ORS?

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Q31: How food is pushed down from mouth to stomach?

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Q32: Human can digest cellulose. True/False.

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Q33: The digestion of cellulose takes place in ____________ present in all ruminants.

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Q34: Amoeba uses____________ for movement and capture of food.

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Q35: Name the part of digestive canal involved in absorption of food.

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Q36: Name the part of digestive canal involved in complete digestion of food.

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Q37: Name the part of digestive canal involved in killing of bacteria.

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Q38: Name the part of digestive canal involved in formation of faeces.

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Q39: Name the part of digestive canal involved in chewing of food.

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Class 8 lesson 3 important question

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