Friday 26 July 2019

Class 8 lesson 3 important question

Q1: A synthetic fibre is a chain of small _____________ joined together.
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Q2: Give examples of some natural and man- made fibres.
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Q3: Define synthetic fibres.
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Q4: Define polymer
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Q5: Cellulose is made up of large number of___________________ units.
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Q6: What is artificial silk?
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Q7: Name the source of rayon.
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Q8: Define nylon fibre.
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Q9: Write down few properties of nylon.
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Q10: Name some articles used in our day to day life made from nylon.
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Q11: Polyester fabrics do not get__________________ easily.
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Q12: Give example of polyesters.
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Q13: Tick the correct answer
Acrylic is used to make

  • Penicillin
  • Alcohol
  • Nitrate
  • None of these

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Q14: What happens when synthetic fibres catch fire?
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Q15: Define petrochemicals.
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Q16: State few properties of plastics.
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Q17: Name some articles made from plastics
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Q18: Give examples of thermoplastics.
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Q19: Give examples of thermosetting plastics.
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Q20: Which one is good conductor of electricity: Bakelite or melamine?
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Q21: Why we prefer plastic containers for storage of items like water, milk, pickles, dry food?
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Q22: Plastics are poor conductor of ______________ and ____________________.
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Q23: What is Teflon?
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Q24: What do you mean by fire proof plastics?
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Q25: What do you mean by biodegradable?
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Q26: What do you mean by non-biodegradable?
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Q27: Paper is biodegradable or non- biodegradable?
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Q28: Why should we use a cotton carry bag or jute bag while going to market?
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Q29: Why plastic articles are available in all shape and size?
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Q30: Can all plastic articles be bent easily?
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Q31: Illustrate various uses of thermoplastic andthermosetting plastics.
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Q32: Name the fibre having properties similar to that of silk.
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Q33: Tick the right answer
Nylon fibres are used for making

  • Ropes for rock climbing
  • Parachutes
  • Socks
  • All of the above

Class 7 th lesson 3 important question

Q1: Wool is obtained from __________________ of sheep or yak.
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Q2: Silk fibres are obtained from cocoons of _________________.
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Q3: Name some animals which provide us with wool.
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Q4: Yak wool is common in
Both a and b
None of these.
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Q5: Name the place where Angora goats are found in plenty.
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Q6: Name some Indian breed of sheep.
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Q7: Kashmiri goat's under fur is woven to form fine shawls called __________________.
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Q8: The fur on the body of camel is also used as wool .True/False.
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Q9: Which parts of the black sheep have wool?
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Q10: Name the protein which is the chief component of wool fibres.
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Q11: Name the process involved in getting fibres form the sheep.
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Q12: Define sericulture.
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Q13: Caterpillars should be collected from bare hand or not?
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Q14: Name the country which is the largest producer of silk.
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Q15: Silk is a good conductor of heat or poor conductor of heat?
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Q16: What is yarn?
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Q17: ______________is a dried perspiration found in raw wool.
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Q18: What is ginning?
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Q19: Spinning is a process of making fibers. True/False.
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Q20: Weaving yarn makes a piece of fabric. True/False
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Q21: Polyester is a natural fibre. True/False.
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Q22: Name a strongest variety of silk.
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Q23: Define weaving.
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Q24: Define spinning.
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Q25: Name the most common silk moth.
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Q26: Name some varieties of silk.
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Q27: ______________ weaves silk threads into silk cloth.
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Q28: What do you mean by cocoon?
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Q29: Name two animals of South America that yields wool.
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Q30: Which of the following does not yield wool?

  • Yak
  • Camel
  • Woolly dog
  • Goat

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Friday 19 July 2019

Class 7 lesson 2 important question

Q1: Name the largest gland in the human body.

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Q2: Animal nutrition includesNutrient requirementsMode of intake of foodUtilisation of food in bodyAll of the above.

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Q3: Define digestion.

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Q4: Name the parts of alimentary canal.

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Q5: Name the glands that secrete digestive juice.__________________.

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Q6: The process of taking food into the body is called ______.

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Q7: We chew food with ________ and break it mechanically into small pieces.

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Q8: Name the different types of teeth.

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Q9: The saliva breakdown starch into sugars.True/ False.

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Q10: Kids of three years age have _________ teeth.

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Q11: Name the type of food of ant

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Q12: Name the type of food of mosquitoes True / False

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Q13: Name the mode of feeding of ant and mosquitoes.

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Q14: Amoeba digests its food in the ____________.

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Q15: The tongue helps in mixing food with the saliva. True/ False.

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Q17: Name some ruminants.

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Q18: Name the finger like projection present in the inner wall of the small intestine

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Q19: Name the organ responsible for removal of undigested and unabsorbed residues from human body.

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Q20: Bile juice is stored in a sac called___________________

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Q21: Bile is responsible for the digestion ofFatProteinVitaminsBoth a and bNone of these

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Q22: What is the location of pancreas?

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Q23: The pancreatic juice acts onCarbohydratesFatsProteinsAll of the above

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Q24: Name the end products of carbohydrates.

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Q25: Name the end products of fats.

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Q26: Name the end products of proteins.

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Q27: Large intestine receives digested and absorbed food. True/ False.

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Q28: Define egestion.

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Q29: What are the causes of diarrhoea in human beings?

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Q30: What is the full form of ORS?

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Q31: How food is pushed down from mouth to stomach?

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Q32: Human can digest cellulose. True/False.

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Q33: The digestion of cellulose takes place in ____________ present in all ruminants.

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Q34: Amoeba uses____________ for movement and capture of food.

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Q35: Name the part of digestive canal involved in absorption of food.

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Q36: Name the part of digestive canal involved in complete digestion of food.

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Q37: Name the part of digestive canal involved in killing of bacteria.

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Q38: Name the part of digestive canal involved in formation of faeces.

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Q39: Name the part of digestive canal involved in chewing of food.

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Class 7 lesson 1 important question

Q1: Name some components of food.

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Q2: Define nutrients.

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Q3: Give an example of autotrophs.

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Q4: Give an example of heterotrophs.

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Q5: Plants prepare their food by using raw materials present in ______________.

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Q6: What do you mean by nutrition?

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Q7: Name the food factories of plants.

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Q8: Name the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves.

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Q9: Name the green pigment present in leaves.

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Q10: ____________ helps leaves to capture the energy of sunlight

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Q11: Why photosynthesis is named so?

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Q12: Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms. True / False

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Q13: Where does the nucleus of cell lies?

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Q14: State the equation for the process of photosynthesis.

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Q15: The nucleus in a cell is surrounded by a jelly like substance called _______.

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Q16: Why algae present in stagnant water bodies are green in colour?

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Q17: Name a component of food other than carbohydrate synthesise by plants.

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Q18: Name some insectivorous plants.

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Q19: In saprotrophic mode of nutrition organisms take in nutrients fromOxygen maskWater maskPollution maskNone of these

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Q20: During photosynthesis plants take in ___________ and releases ___________.

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Q21: Some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients, this type of relationship is called

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Q22: Lichen is a symbiotic association between ______ and fungi.

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Q23: Name the edible fungi.

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Q24: Name the organism responsible for converting atmospheric nitrogen into soluble forms.

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Q25: Where we can see Rhizobium bacteria?Dead matterDecaying matterBoth a and bNone of these

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Q26: Give an example of parasites.

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Q27: Give an example of saprotrophs.

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Q28: Amarbel is an example ofParasiteHostAutotrophsSaprotrophs

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Q29: Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. True/ False.

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Q30: During photosynthesis solar energy is converted into chemical energy. True/ False.

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Q31: The product of photosynthesis isCarbohydrateProteinFatsAll of these

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Q32: Name a plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

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Q33: Name a parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular type of stem.

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Q34: Name the pores present in leaves through which exchange of gas takes place.

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Q35: Animals are autotrophs. True/ False.

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Thursday 18 July 2019

Class 8 lesson 2 important question

Q1: Microorganisms are too small that they can be seen with the help of ______________.
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Q2: Microorganisms are classified into four major groups. Name them.
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Q3: Define virus
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Q4: Name some diseases caused by protozoa.
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Q5: Name some diseases caused by bacteria.
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Q6: Bacteria are of spiral shape as well as ____________________.
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Q7: Name some viral diseases.
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Q8: Give example of single cellular and multicellular microorganisms.
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Q9: Name some friendly microorganisms.
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Q10: Name some harmful microorganisms.
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Q11: Alcohol is produced with the help of ____________________.
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Q12: Tick the correct answer
Which of the following is an antibiotic?

  • Penicillin
  • Alcohol
  • Nitrate
  • None of these

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Q13: Define fermentation.
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Q14: Define antibiotics.
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Q15: What do you understand by antibodies?
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Q16: Several diseases like tuberculosis, smallpox and hepatitis can be prevented by ___________.
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Q17: Name some biological nitrogen fixers.
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Q18: Define pathogens.
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Q19: What do you mean by communicable diseases?
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Q20: Name some communicable diseases.
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Q21: Name some organisms which act as carriers of disease causing microbes.
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Q22: Female Anopheles mosquito carries the parasite of ____________________.
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Q23: Female______________ mosquito acts as carrier of dengue virus.
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Q24: Why we should not let water collect anywhere in our neighbourhood?
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Q25: Name some microorganisms that cause disease in animals.
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Q26: Name some microorganisms that cause disease in plants.
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Q27: Why a person suffers from food poisoning?
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Q28: What are preservatives?
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Q29: Define pasteurisation.
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Q30: Name the bacteria involved in nitrogen fixation and where does it lives?
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Q31: Can we see microorganisms with the naked eye? If not, how can we see them?
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Q32: Alcohol is produced with the help of__________________.
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Q33: Which of the following is prepared by the action of microorganism?
Both of them
None of these
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Q34: Name the person who discovered fermentation and vaccine for small pox.
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Q35: Name some food preservatives.
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Class 8 lesson 1 important question

Q1: Tick the right answer
We get our food from

  • Plants
  • Animals
  • Both plants and animals
  • None of these

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Q2: The same kind of plants grown and cultivated at one place on large scale is called_________.
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Q3: Is crop production and management is important to provide food for a large number of population?

  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Dutch
  • Spanish

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Q4: Define crop.
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Q5: Name some crop plants.
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Q6: Classify crops on the basis of seasons in which they are grown.
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Q7: Define kharif crops with examples.
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Q8: Define rabi crops with examples.
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Q9: Why can paddy not be grown in winter season?
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Q10: Ploughing is done by ___________________.
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Q11: Hoe is a simple tool which is used for removing ________________.
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Q12: What is seed drill?
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Q13: What do you mean by good quality seeds?
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Q14: What do you understand by manures?
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Q15: Continuous growing of crops makes the soil poorer in certain______________________.
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Q16: What is manuring?
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Q17: What do you understand by fertilisers?
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Q18: Name the bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen.
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Q19: Which one is better organic manure or fertilisers?
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Q20: What do you mean by the term irrigation?
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Q21: Name different sources of irrigation.
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Q22: Name the following shown traditional methods of irrigation:

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Q23: Give few examples of weedicides.
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Q24: Is there any harmful effect of weedicides on the person handling the weedicides sprayer?
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Q25: Weedicides sprayer should cover their _________________ and _______________ with a piece of cloth during spraying of these chemicals.
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Q26: Define harvesting.
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Q27: Define threshing.
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Q28: What is a “combine”?
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Q29: What are harvest festivals?
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Q30: What do you mean by animal husbandry?
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Class 8 lesson 3 important question

Q1: A synthetic fibre is a chain of small _____________ joined together. View Answer Q2: Give examples of some natural and man- made fibr...